DX Gutter Guard

The Ultimate Guide to Cleaning Gutters with Gutter Guards by Hand

Gutter Cleaning: Clean Gutters with Gutter Guards by Hand

Gutters are often ignored. This is because they are not in the way; they’re above the eyes and way above the heads. But they become noticeable when they malfunction or become clogged up with dirt due to irregular cleaning.

When gutter guards do not protect the gutters like they’re supposed to, it could be due to the fact that they’re not thoroughly cleaned.

This is why maintaining clean gutters is important to protecting your home from water damage and ensuring the longevity of your gutter system. When it comes to cleaning gutters, especially with gutter guards, it can seem like a big, difficult task.

However, with the right approach and tools, you can easily remove gutter guards, clean the gutters by hand, and keep your gutters in optimal condition. This guide will walk you through the entire process, from understanding different types of gutter guards to mastering the cleaning process by hand.

Why Clean Gutters with Gutter Guards?

Gutter guards are designed to keep your gutters free of debris, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. However, over time, dirt, leaves, and twigs can accumulate on top of the guards, necessitating regular maintenance to ensure they function effectively.

If you live in an area with trees and pine leaves, you may need to clean your gutters more frequently than usual because these leaves will get stuck in the mesh.

Cleaning gutters with gutter guards helps prevent clogs and blockages, protects your home from potential water damage and maintains the efficiency of your gutter system. 

Understanding Different Types of Gutter Guards

Gutter guards come in various styles, each with its own benefits and cleaning requirements. The most common types include mesh gutter guards, brush gutter guards, and reverse curve gutter guards. Mesh gutter guards have small holes that allow water to pass through while blocking debris. Brush gutter guards use bristles to catch debris, and reverse curve gutter guards direct water over a curved surface into the gutter while debris falls off the edge.

Each type of gutter guard may require a slightly different cleaning approach, but the general principles remain the same. Regular inspection and cleaning are essential to ensure your gutter guards function effectively and keep your gutters clog-free. However, one of the easiest methods to keep your dirty gutters free from dirt and debris is to clean them by hand.

Gutter Cleaning: Tools and Preparation

Before you begin cleaning your gutters, gather the necessary tools and take safety precautions. You’ll need a sturdy ladder, gloves to protect your hands from sharp debris, eye protection, and a screwdriver to remove gutter guards if necessary. Additionally, a gutter scoop or small garden trowel can help remove stubborn debris from the gutters, while a hose or pressure washer can rinse away dirt and grime.

Safety is paramount when working on a ladder. Make sure the ladder is on stable ground and have someone hold it if possible. Avoid overreaching and always maintain three points of contact with the ladder to prevent falls.

The Gutter Cleaning Process

Step 1: Remove Gutter Guards

If your gutter guards are installed with screws, use a screwdriver to carefully remove them. For snap-on or clip-on guards, gently unclip them to access the gutters underneath. Set the guards aside, making sure to keep any screws or clips in a safe place for reinstallation.

Step 2: Remove Debris

Using your gloved hands or a gutter scoop, remove the bulk of the debris from the gutters. This includes leaves, twigs, and any other obstructions. Be thorough, especially in areas where debris tends to accumulate, such as near downspouts.

Step 3: Rinse and Scrub

Once the large debris is removed, use a hose to rinse the gutters, starting from the end opposite the downspout. This helps dislodge any remaining dirt and grime. For stubborn dirt, gently scrub the surface with a soft brush. Ensure the water flows freely through the downspouts, indicating there are no blockages.

Inspecting and Maintaining Your Gutter Guards

After cleaning, inspect your gutter guards for any damage or wear. Mesh gutter guards can become clogged with fine particles over time, while brush gutter guards may collect a lot of debris. Regular inspection ensures they remain effective in preventing clogs.

Reinstall the gutter guards securely, making sure they fit properly and are not damaged. This will help maintain their effectiveness and keep your gutters free of debris. Regular maintenance, including cleaning and inspection, will prolong the life of your gutter guards and ensure your gutter system functions optimally.

Learn How to Clean Gutters with Gutter Guards

Cleaning gutters with gutter guards is straightforward if you follow the right steps and use the appropriate tools. Here’s a detailed look at the cleaning process, emphasising the importance of regular maintenance.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

  1. Inspect the Gutter Guards: Before you start, inspect your gutter guards for any visible damage or blockages. This initial check helps you understand the extent of cleaning required.

  2. Remove the Screws or Unclip the Guards: Using a screwdriver or your hands, carefully remove the screws or unclip the guards. Handle them gently to avoid damaging the guards or the gutters.

  3. Remove Debris from the Gutters: With the guards removed, use a gutter scoop or your gloved hands to remove debris from the gutters. Pay attention to the corners and downspouts where debris tends to accumulate.

  4. Rinse the Gutters: Use a hose to rinse the gutters, ensuring water flows freely through the downspouts. This step helps remove any remaining dirt and grime.

  5. Reinstall the Gutter Guards: After cleaning, reinstall the gutter guards securely. Make sure they fit properly and check for any damage that may have occurred during the cleaning process.

Importance of Regular Gutter Maintenance

Regular maintenance for the entire gutter is key to preventing blockages and water damage. Gutter guards significantly reduce the frequency of cleaning, but they still require periodic checks and cleaning to remain effective. Regular maintenance ensures your gutters and gutter guards function optimally, protecting your home from potential damage.

Tips for Safe and Effective Gutter Cleaning

Use the Right Tools

Having the right tools makes the cleaning process easier and more efficient. A sturdy ladder, gloves, a gutter scoop, and a hose are essential for cleaning gutters. Using a screwdriver to remove screws and a soft brush to scrub away stubborn dirt can also be helpful.

Take Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a priority when cleaning gutters. Ensure the ladder is stable and positioned on solid ground. Wear gloves to protect your hands from sharp debris and eye protection to shield against dirt and particles. Avoid overreaching and always maintain three points of contact with the ladder.

Regular Inspection

Regularly inspecting your gutters and gutter guards helps identify potential issues before they become major problems. Check for signs of wear, damage, or blockages, and address them promptly to keep your gutters functioning properly.


Maintaining clean gutters with gutter guards is essential for protecting your home from water damage and ensuring the longevity of your gutter system. By understanding the different types of gutter guards and following a regular cleaning and maintenance routine, you can keep your gutters clog-free and efficient. Whether you choose to clean your gutters yourself or hire a professional, regular inspection and maintenance are key to preventing issues and maintaining a functional gutter system.

Don’t wait until your gutters are clogged and causing damage to your home. Take action now and ensure your gutters are clean and well-maintained. For expert advice and professional gutter cleaning services, contact us today at DX Gutter Guard. Let us help you protect your home and keep your gutters in top condition.


A: The frequency of gutter cleaning depends on your environment and the type of gutter guards installed. Generally, it’s advisable to clean your gutters at least twice a year, in the spring and fall. If you have a lot of trees around your home, you may need to clean them more frequently to prevent blockages.

A: While cleaning gutters yourself can save money, it requires time, effort, and safety precautions. If you’re uncomfortable working on a ladder or if your gutters are difficult to access, hiring a professional gutter cleaning service is a good option. They have the experience and tools to clean your gutters efficiently and safely.

A: Common signs that your gutters need cleaning include water overflowing during rain, visible debris in the gutters, and water stains on your home’s exterior walls. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to clean your gutters to prevent potential water damage and maintain their functionality.

A: To clean gutters with gutter guards by hand, you will need a ladder, a gutter scoop to remove debris, and possibly a brush to give the guards a good cleaning.

A: You may need to remove the screws holding the gutter guards in place to clean them effectively. Make sure they’re securely reattached when you’ve finished cleaning.

A: Use a brush and water to clean gutter mesh guards thoroughly. Ensure all debris is removed to maintain optimal performance.

A: Gutter guards are typically compatible with different gutter types, but it’s essential to choose the right gutter guard system that fits your specific gutter style.

A: While you can clean the top of the gutters without removing the guards, it’s recommended to remove them for a thorough cleaning of both the gutters and guards.

A: After cleaning, check your gutters and guards to ensure they are free from debris and securely fitted. Premium gutter guards may require less maintenance.

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